Monday, September 17, 2007


好きだよと 今日も言えないまま
見送った 今まで一緒にいたのに
会いたくて 君の好きなうたを繰り返し
口ずさんだ 帰り道

話す声のトーン 視線の 先 ほかの誰かとかわす言葉さえ
些細な 君の仕草が 僕を惑わせる
君の気持ちが 同じよう に 答えがここでありますように
きっとずっと 待った 奇 跡よ 起こるなら今ここで

好きだよと 今日も言えないまま
見送った 今まで一緒にいたのに
すぐに会いたくて 君の好きなうたを繰り返し
口ずさんだ 帰り道

偶然ふれた手 君の体温さえ愛しくて
出会えたことで 気付けたこと が 僕を変えて行く今まで以上に

前の恋で うつむいていた僕も
もう一度 誰かの為に生きたいと思えた

どこにいても 何をしてる時も 君のことが頭から離れない
教えてくれた 届かぬつらさ 恋のせつなさ 愛する喜びを

その笑顔も 受話器越しの声も 人ごみが苦手な小さな体
悪い癖も 君にしかないもので輝いている
全てが one and only

僕の中で君を思うことが 明日の生きる力に変わってく
もし向き合えたなら 同じ歩幅で信じ合える道を 歩いて行こう

苦しくて 愛しさ募る 気持ち
会いたくて 君の好きなうたを繰り返し
口ずさんだ 帰り道

Even though I was with you all this time, 
without being able to say I love you, I said goodbye to you.
I want to see you, so I repeat the song that you like.
Humming it as I walk my way home.

The tone of your voice, what's beyond your eyes, even the words you exchange with others,
your slightest gesture confuses me.
I hope your feelings are the same, and that we find our answers here.
The long awaited miracle, if you're going to come, come to me now.

Even though I was with you all this time, 
without being able to say I love you, I said goodbye to you.
I want to see you right away, so I repeat the song that you like.
Humming it as I walk my way home.

The warmth that I felt through the hand that i touch by accident was tender.
It felt like it would accept me for who I am.
The things I noticed after meeting you changed me more than ever.

I felt melancholy from my last lost love,
Thinking that I would never love anyone again.
But now I feel like I want to live for someone again.
I will express to you these feelings.

Where ever I am, whatever I am doing, I never stop thinking about you.
You taught me the hardship of not being able to reach,
The pain and the happiness of love

Your smile, your voice through the phone, your small body that cannot handle the crowd,
And even the bad habits, they are all unique and splendid.
All of it is one and only.

By thinking about you, it becomes my energy to live tomorrow.
If we could confront each other, let's walk on the same path where we can believe in each other.

Juat thinking about you,
Puts in me in such pain. My heart gets filled with affection.
I want to see you, so I repeat the song that you like.
Humming it as I walk my way home.


待つは 486

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